About this fundraiser

Hi friends and neighbors.  My name is Laura and I’m coming to you today to ask for help getting me caught up.  The past 18 months have presented challenges that would make the strongest tired and ready to quit.  My husband passed away, I got a new job, I moved to a new state, I was diagnosed with breast cancer, underwent two surgeries, off work for 14 weeks, and my 12 yr old car is about to turn 200,000 miles. Now I have medical bills and a car that isn’t going to get me by for much longer.  I have exhausted my savings, I have been declined for a bank loan and I’m not even making it paycheck to paycheck.  Any amount will help knock these challenges into more manageable hurdles.  I plan to update my transportation, pay medical bills and get utilities caught up.

Organized by

Laura Puffenbarger

Clayton, NC, USA
