Latest update as of Mar 11, 2024

  • Huge Thank you!!!!

    We would like to thank everyone who gave a donation to help Mickey Move into her new home! She had put down her deposit and we will be moving her this weekend!
    Thank you so much for your generosity and I hope you are all as blessed as we have been!
    Here is a picture of her after she got the keys this morning!!!!

    Huge Thank you!!!!

About this fundraiser

This is Mickey! Our sister has been a blessing to us and everyone who has ever met her. Mickey, for those who do not know her, is able to take care of herself, pays all her own bills, cares for her great nephews, loves to cook and is very independent.

Mickey has found a rental property, closer to family, making it easier for us to help her out with errands and shopping, because she doesn't drive. She will also have walking access to stores and restaurants. Her current home is a small studio and has been put up for sale.

Mickey lives on a fixed income and has already paid rent in her current home for this month. We are helping her as much as we can with the deposit and first months rent, but we could use some help.

She has said she will never move again once she gets settled in the new place, because she's loves it already! 

We are not asking for more than is needed to get her moved in. Anything you can donate will go toward this and would be very much appreciated. 

Mickey is very special to us and her friends. She's is the most caring and giving person anyone will ever meet. If you can't donate, please keep her in your prayers. 

Anything donated over the goal will be put toward moving expenses. 

Fundraising team

Jennifer Hartzog

Lenoir, NC, USA


Crystal Reid Sides

Team member
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This fundraiser will directly support

Angel Michelle Hartzog
