About this fundraiser

Hi my name is Ray Kahle.  In March I got into a car accident with a semi truck.  I was exiting the parking lot at Love's in Jasper, TN.  I was taking a right hand turn and the semi was taking a left.  The semi truck made too wide of a turn and destroyed the whole driver's side of my door.  Unfortunately he ended up driving away before I got a chance to run him down.  My car at the time had a bent strut in the front, so was swerving all over the road.  The repairs costed over $1000. We also had to repair the tires and breaks. Which ended up costing us another $800.  At the time of the accident we were already living paycheck to paycheck, since we are a family of 6 on one income.  The accident had put us into a financial mess.  

Since then I have got a new job teaching which is my passion.  However, my family is still struggling severely.  My hours were cut to about half of what they normally are. We have had to take up high interest loans, borrow from friends, and have those close to us give us assistance just to keep ourselves off of the streets.  We are currently in desperate need for money for food, gas, and hotel stay for my family.  My hours are on the upswing currently.  So there will hopefully be light at the end of the tunnel soon.  However, it will take at least a month to be in a stable financial condition.  

Sadly, these events are only about 5% of what happened to my family throughout the past 2 years.  I can sit here for 4 hours and probably not hit every detail.  Long story short, my family has gotten held up at gunpoint by 3 AR-15 assault rifles and a handful of hand guns by the hands of the local police.  My old neighbor, who had attacked my family 3 times prior, thought it would be funny to call in a falsified gunshot call on my family.  My wife, my 1 year old daughter and I all had assault rifles pointed directly to our heads.  We went to file a restraining order in court, and the neighbor laughed and snickered at us right in front of the judge.  We successfully proved that not only was the call falsified, but that they had every intent to murder us.  The judge somehow, someway still let them off the hook, not only on federal criminal charges, but also on the restraining order.

My identity was hacked to open a credit card.  There were 2 other attempts to open a checking account.  However, luckily I was smart enough to freeze my Social Security and all 3 credit bureaus.  

My mail has also been stolen for 21 weeks.  The Postal Inspection team has been investigating this matter since January with still no answers.  

We have been stalked across state lines and people have taken pictures of my kids.  

The latest event was my wife got scammed on a donation check for our family.  

Thank you so much for taking the time to read.  Any little bit helps at this point.  My family and I will be forever grateful.

God bless,

Ray Kahle

Organized by

Raymond Kahle

Lascassas, TN, USA
