About this fundraiser

My name is Janet Cheshire  72 years young l am a Christian and attend the Post Church of the Nazarene l was run over hit and run at 65mph the person driving was never found my left leg was amputated aka above left knee l am in a wheel chair,my son Scott Hair  54 years young has suffered 3 heart attacks 1 stroke and water on heart leaky valves with only less than 8% of heart and took off 7 gallons of fluid  left, can't do surgery because hr needs pacemakers defibulator  an  repair leaky valves  get water out of heart he just got out of UMC ER for 6 days and was released with hospice order he is trying to get funeral in order but needs help plus his will together Scott is weak loosing weight no appetite  not eating or drinking fluids  can barely get out of bed  wants to be alone and just fade  out of the program He has 5 beautiful children and 7beautiful grandchildren,one Brother Eric  in San Angelo please l am asking you for much needed help l understand its Christmas time but please find it in your hearts to give any amount to help the both of us.thank you very much God Bless You!

Organized by

Janet Cheshire

Post, TX, USA
