About this fundraiser

Dear friends and supporters of Jeff and Angie Downs.

 After Jeff getting thyroid cancer over a year ago and getting that taken over. Then in May of this year (2024), Jeff was diagnosed with colon cancer and got that taken care of. He’s now been diagnosed with lung cancer, and will be going through many more tests and scans in the near future. This has brought an immense amount of anxiety and worries for the both of them. 
Jeff and Angie need are help right now with the never ending medical bills and we feel that we can also provide some sustaining support throughout this  process. They have insurance but they have to pay out of pocket for all the surgeries and scans and tests which has really become a burden, because other bills are mounting as well. They have helped many over the years, and Jeff is an HVAC SERVICE TECH, and helps people everyday with their furnaces and air conditioners. I think it’s time we all give them some help they are so desperately in need of now.  We all know how health care costs have gone up so high, and the  normal every day living costs remains the same and also go up. But with this hand that has been dealt to them has really taken a  toll on them. Jeff has to get a brain scan and PET SCAN  in the near future at which time they will find out what’s next. We want to alleviate the financial stress of this illness. Your generosity will ensure that medical bills remain manageable and provide them with some financial breathing room they need during this challenging time
Thank you for standing with Jeff and Angie during this difficult time. They are deeply grateful for all your support. 
Thank you for being  right here, right now, with your big heart!



Organized by

Barb Sero

Marion, IA, USA
