About this fundraiser

My son Jon was involved in a motorcycle accident on July 20, 2024. A car came around on the curve on Jon's side. He swerved to miss it and ended up hitting the second colvert. The car did not stop or anything they just kept going not knowing if my son was dead or alive. Jon was thrown off and knocked out. Bike is totalled of course.  2 teenage boys saw him being thrown and they stopped and called 911. They stayed with my boy until EMTs and all arrived. Jon is banged up. His leg took most of it. ACL is torn and he will need physical therapy and surgeries and then more therapy after. He is self employed and he has a wife Kristy and 2 children, Ryland & Rielle. They have limited liability insurance and asking for help.to compensate and others bills. Any help is very appreciated. Thank you and God Bless

Organized by

Jeana Wells

Davis, Illinois, USA
