Latest update as of Mar 03, 2023

  • Thank you!!!

    Julie has been absolutely blessed by all of you!!! Thank you for all of the loving support you have given to her. This has helped her so much. I'm starting to see her shine come back!!

About this fundraiser

     Julie Manton has been diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder called Hemolytic Anemia. It was a long struggle to even get any answers.  After 2 long hospital stays, 9 blood transfusions, chemo-like infusions and massive doses of steroids they have found an antibody in her blood that is attacking her red blood cells. 

     I am putting this fundraiser together so we can help her through this journey and keep her smile bright. If you know Julie then you've been blessed with her smile that lights up the room.  She has always been such a giving person. One who would give you the shirt off her back!!  This is our way to help her now. 

     Julie's income has stopped due to her immune system being down and absolutely no energy. That is very hard for her as she is normally a ball of energy. She would like to keep her independence. With your help we can help get her back on her feet and brighten her world back up!  

Organized by

Melissa Debo

Green Springs, OH, USA

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This fundraiser will directly support

Julie Manton
