About this fundraiser

Hello everyone, I am reaching out to you all on behalf of my sweet daughter Scarlett Rose, she is 3 years old (will be 4 in July) and we are trying to raise money to do stem cell treatment. A little background for those of you who have never met Scarlett she was a 34-week preemie, and after she came home from the neonatal intensive care unit she was home for about 2 weeks and then she became very sick very fast. Scarlett was rushed to the hospital where it took doctors days to figure out what was causing her sickness. She was intubated and put on countless antibiotics to fight the infection that turned into sepsis and then meningitis. Scarlett had her first surgery in the hospital to place a gastrointestinal tube for feeding due to the extensive brain damage she had suffered from meningitis. She came home after weeks of hospital stays and countless sleepless nights. She now has cerebral palsy and epilepsy which are lifelong illnesses, about a month or two after coming home we we're still adjusting to the new reality of Scarlett's care, she could no longer eat on her own without a feeding tube, she was going to therapies multiple times a week and had numerous hospital and doctors visits a week. That is something we are still facing. On Scarlett's' journey from then to now she has had three more surgeries, a G-tube revision surgery, an omaya reservoir - brain surgery for hydrocephalus  (which failed), and then a VP shunt - brain surgery to replace the failed one. She cannot talk, walk, sit up, or play on her own; but she is the sweetest most deserving baby I know. She communicates with us by babbling and crying when upset. But we believe she deserves a chance to at least try something that could improve her gross motor skills, cognitive functions, possibly increase the chances of her being able to walk, talk, or even be able to sit up on her own. 

Organized by

Asia Donovan

Troy, VA, USA
