Latest update as of Jul 28, 2024

About this fundraiser

Hello everyone. I'm seeking help to make it through a very tough time in my life. I'm currently in the process of reapplying for disability with the help of an attorney which can take awhile. I currently have no income whatsoever and I'm unable to pay my bills. My car was stolen on November 20, 2023 and I've been without transportation since that time. I'm seeking donations just to survive and make it through until I hopefully get approved for disability. I'm also trying to raise enough money to purchase a safe used car so I can get to doctor appointments and other places I need to go. Any donation would mean the world to me and I would be eternally grateful. I don't like sharing things like this with family, friends, or on social media so I'm hoping I will be able to raise funds by posting here.  It's very difficult asking for help but sometimes it's the only choice we have. Thank you!

Organized by

Erica Tittle

Charleston, WV, USA
