About this fundraiser

This is very new to me. My mother Karen Lost her Husband in a car accident in 2010 while battling Crohn's Disease, heart issues and Short Bowel syndrome. Shortly after my fathers death my mother ended up back in the hospital due to issues with her ileostomy. This lead to several months in the hospital at that time shortly after that her only Son was killed in a Motorcycle accident. My fathers life insurance helped support her for several years but at year ten it ran out. My mother is in and out of the hospital almost every six weeks with issues related to her TPN she must take to survive. She cannot work, she lives on very little in a trailer my brother had fixed up for her before his death.  My mother is a strong woman and will not ask for help but she needs it. My sister is a saint and does everything she can to take care of my mother as I live out of state.  Any help to ease my mothers stress while she is sick would be greatly appreciated. 

Organized by

Lynda Swanson

Brandon, FL, USA
