About this fundraiser


This fundraiser was created to help me, April, keep afloat. After a rough six months, things have finally started to look up. I moved to a dream home and have jobs lined up till the end of the year. I am a self employed LGBTQ handwoman who focuses on female clientele while giving them fair pricing, empowerment in decision making and clear, precise communication on steps in renovation/project progress, needs and how to. 
On Friday, January 12, I broke up a dog fight and I was the casualty. Both dogs are luckily okay but after the chaos I looked down at bloody hands and a bent finger. Four doctors and two different emergency room visits later I was notified to have any use of my finger in the future I will need emergency surgery. The surgery will be 3-4 screws going in my finger to realign the double fractures. I was scared but figured it could be worse. Then I heard the recovery time…3 months. That’s three months of work I am missing out on because I will be in a brace and not able to hold a power tool, let alone a paint brush.

I am hoping that with your donation I can afford to pay my bills and rent without everything falling on my partner needing to work 7 days a week as a paramedic to cover all of our expenses. Being self employed, I am lucky to have insurance but I do not have any coverage or umbrella to fall back on for when I can’t work. I’m hoping that this changes that just a little bit. 

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.


Organized by

April Aday

Grayland, WA, USA
