About this fundraiser

My daughter is in Christian college  studying to be either a pastor in the military or she will work with adults. She was in a terrible car accident , not her fault , she was injured and lost her car and my sister is letting her drive her car but the payments are high. I am trying to raise money by working 3 jobs but as a single mom with a small child and no family support near me it’s hard. She is in her 2nd year and because she got a 4 year scholarship she is able to live in the dorms but we still make housing payments, my other adult son is also in college paying it on his own. I am trying to raise money to help her with her car payments or groceries and gas so she is successful this school year. She was praised by her church and the school in front of the entire student body when she won her scholarship and this is the path God wants her to go down and she is so happy that God has called her to work in ministry . I am asking for a helping hand to keep her where she truly belongs. Amen 

Organized by

Nichole Branch

Tyler, TX, USA
