About this fundraiser

Hello, your generosity will help me keep my home. Due to working in manufacturing and chemical plants for 27 years. Totaling 40+ years l have had several Surgeries including 2 hip replacements. And this last year having 2 separate bacterial skin infections in my legs thus leaving me off work for 6+months. So with mounting medical bills my mortgage has fallen behind 3 months and now with the threat of foreclosure I just can't fathom the thought of losing my home. I'm some what of a homebody and with the fact this is my 1st house and the comfort and security it offers me it's truly a HOME. I have always taken care of my responsibilities but my current situation has lead me to this very humbling moment and needing to ask for a graceful hand from folks I have never met. It's so hard to put into words how grateful I am for the kindness of others and the hope that comes with it.

I do relies that no matter the outcome of everyone's hardships in life that we will all be okay in the end.

Thank you all,


Organized by

Thomas Morey

Albany, OR, USA
