About this fundraiser

Hello everyone! My name is Franklin and I am a former employee of Anamaya Vintage Store in San Diego. I have been scammed into working unpaid wages and in now in need of desperate support. 

As if turns out, this store has not paid other employees which I later found out. This store owner is a con artist and despite my efforts to work with him, being kind, patient, and understanding, he is now leaving me to fend for myself unpaid and left to struggle.

While not paying his employees, he was able to buy himself a new car, and open up a brand new store in Hillcrest. 

I have been suggested to take him to court but unfortunately that takes money, and I'm scraping by at the moment as he still owes me my wages. 

I posted my story a few days ago and the store came back to call me a liar and spread false accusations about me. So not only are they ok with scamming people, but also turning around and harassing them for speaking out. 

Below are the messages of me kindly messaging him to pay me while weeks pass by. Unfortunately English is his second language so all messages are in Spanish. 

If you have Google Translate on your phone the pictures should translate I believe. I am the green bubble and as you can see I am begging to get paid and my calls and messages are dismissed. 

I've also attached possible court fees I have to pay to small claims. But most importantly I need help with my rent. Please spread the word about this store as I won't be the last person he does this to. Thank you for reading and those that have supported me throughout this tough time. 


Organized by


San Diego, CA, USA
