Latest update as of Sep 30, 2024

  • Sadly we said goodbye today!

    Hello all,
    After our trip to Miss. State Vet School and deciding to bring her home, we had a some treasured moments with Shadow as well as some very trying moments - taking care of her. No regrets, no 20/20 hindsight. We took her to the vet today, her condition had worsened significantly. We had 2 choices let her go or spend several thousands on procedures that would not guarantee a better outcome - or that this would not happen again. So, we met with the vet at 1pm today to say goodbye - Our vet was loving and compassionate - and we are grateful to her. we thank you for your love, prayers and donation.

About this fundraiser

Our little fur baby , Shadow  is suffering from a very unusual kidney condition. From out of nowhere, she went from a happy  love bug to being completely sickly and sad. After many tests and treatments this week - Including x-rays, laser, ultrasound,  blood tests, antibiotics, 2 days on IV fluids at the vet, and a trip to the ER last night. Nothing has  worked ! Words like kidney failure and sepsis have been included in descriptions of her condition. 
on Friday, our vet suggested  our last and best hope was for us to take the 3 hour drive to the Mississippi State Veterinary School of Medicine . Which we did on Friday- sadly it was a Hail Mary that did not work. They had nothing new to advise and none of their  high tech tools would be available til Monday. 
So rather than keeping her there hooked up to an IV and in a cage, we decided to bring her home. Yesterday , she seemed to be getting better. Early this morning we woke to her gasping  to breathe. So, we are trying to keep her comfortable but this looks like the end. 
I /we hate asking for charity - but truly it is a stretch for us to cover what we’ve spent so far.  If you have met Shadow - you know she is the sweetest most lovable dog ever.  Whatever you can give to help will be a blessing and will  not be forgotten. Please keep her in your prayers and thoughts. 

Organized by

Dorothy Fest

Memphis, TN, USA
