Latest update as of May 03, 2023

  • Update on Lacey

    It has been 19 days since she was hit in a crosswalk by a pickup truck just down the street from our home. She is doing well, but we have faced some challenges along the way as well.

    She is still experiencing a fair amount of pain on a regular basis and she has been having some headaches coupled with some nausea and occasional vomiting that we have been monitoring. We are aware of the possibility that although she did not actually hit her head when she was struck, the force at which the truck hit her and the force at which she hit the ground may have resulted in a mild concussion that has more or less gone unnoticed until recently. Her knee in particular has been bothersome as well, and we have been referred to orthopedics to discuss the possibility of an MRI to determine whether there has been any soft tissue damage since all x-ray imaging has come back showing no fractures or breaks.

    She has had 2 separate visits to the Emergency Room (three if you count both Emergency Rooms she was seen in the day of the incident). She was hospitalized overnight in Rochester and discharged the following day. She has been seeing her therapist regularly since the incident and is being treated for her mental/emotional trauma. She had her third follow-up visit today, this one with the pediatric surgery and trauma department in Rochester. They ordered some more blood tests and another appointment for an ultrasound next week, and have extended her restrictions another two weeks. She cannot lift more than 10 pounds and cannot run, ride her bike, jump on a trampoline, go swimming, or do any physical activities beyond normal daily living activities until May 18th at the soonest. This in particular has been challenging for her, because she has become increasingly restless while simultaneously being tired and in pain.

    She has not been sleeping well, partly due to physical pain and partly due to recurring nightmares about the incident. She has been rather emotional and sensitive, even agitated at times, which is completely understandable.

    In addition to all of this, she also took a small tumble on the stairs in our home while home from school yesterday. She is okay, but there is some concern that she may have either re-injured herself or caused further injury to some already vulnerable areas due to her healing process from the accident.

    So far I personally have missed nearly two weeks of work, cumulatively. This does not include the work my husband has missed. While my absences are covered under FMLA, this has still taken a massive toll on us financially because we were already falling behind and my absence from work has been unpaid, save for what little PTO I had accumulated. This has been helpful, and we have already received a few donations. We are so grateful for the help we have received thus far, but we also know we have quite a ways to go before we are caught up again.

    Thank you to everyone who has reached out, everyone who has helped us in one way or another, and to everyone who continues to support Lacey in her healing. We greatly appreciate all of the words of encouragement. Please keep Lacey in your thoughts. There is still a long way to go.

    Update on Lacey

About this fundraiser

My name is Ash Williams. My 11-year-old daughter Lacey Hoffmaster was hit in a crosswalk by a pickup truck on the afternoon of Thursday, April 13th, 2023. As of this moment (04/20/2023) I have not yet returned to work in order to be with Lacey as she recovers from her injuries. This is going to have a significant impact on our finances. We are asking for help to cover mainly household expenses due to lost wages from missing work and gas for medical and therapy appointments for Lacey due to her accident. Neither my husband nor I have received or will be receiving paid leave, and it is taking a serious toll on our family financially. Please consider donating, and if you can't donate please share. Please also consider contacting members of the Owatonna City Council so we can do something about the lack of safety measures in place for pedestrians in our city. Any money beyond what we need and use for bills will be put toward a project I am working on to bring awareness to pedestrian safety. Thank you for your time.

Organized by

Ash Williams

Owatonna, MN, USA
