Latest update as of May 28, 2024

  • Progress so far

    Lily has been home almost 3 weeks now. She is in out-patient rebab for her left side and left hand. Today’s rehab session seemed to go well. Follow up appointments with specialists is on going…running more tests…she is anxious to get back to work but that is going to take some time…medical bills have been rolling in like clockwork…so far keeping up with car payment, however her car started to act up…have an appt on Friday to get an estimate and see exactly what’s wrong with it…she is trying to stay positive but I know she’s stressed. Thank you to all who have donated so far and Thank you to everyone who has sent prayers. We appreciate it everything❤️ please continue to share her fundraiser….every little bit helps!

About this fundraiser

My daughter Lily has had a rough year..just when we thought things were going back to “somewhat” normal it took a turn. On Feb. 25th of this year she went in to have a simple medical procedure done. 60 days later she is still in the hospital fighting one thing after another…she Has Eosinophilis throughout her lungs, They found a shunt in her heart, she has had 2-3 mini strokes, a blood clot at the tip of her port in her heart and a Infection in her blood stream. she has a long road ahead of her..she is unable to use her left hand right now, we are hoping with therapy she will regain full use. She is only 19 years old and so we are hoping her age will help. she will continue to be in the hospital for an unknown amount of time. She has been out of work for 2 months now and has a car payment and medical bills that continue to pile up and will continue to grow. We are hoping to relieve some of that stress on her. We are graciously Asking for your help. This girl fought a hard fight last year and came out on top…It is sad to see everything fall down hill again. Please pray for her recovery and help in anyway you can. Please share. 

Organized by

Krystal Jones

Fort Morgan, CO, USA
