About this fundraiser

Hello, my name is Elvira. I want to start off by saying im a single mother of a beautiful little girl who means more to me than oxygen or life itself. I have been struggling for a little while losing everything little by little. Ever since her father passed away things have been extremely hard. Everytime I move 2 steps forward, something always happens where I fall 10 steps behind again. We are fighting for our lives at this point in time and I can say we are maintaining a little bit the best we could. Recently my last piece of possession that I had left which was our vehicle, a drunk driver hit me going 80 mph in a 30mph zone and completely totaled the car. I have no way to get me and my baby around or go to work. I AM doing everything I can, taking buses, and walking but I can’t afford to lose this job. If you can please help donate so I can get a cheap drivable vehicle literally anything will help. Thank you so much everyone. God bless you. 

Organized by

Elvira Suprunchik

Utica, NY, USA
