About this fundraiser

 Losing everything in a house fire that made me homeless has been one of the hardest experiences of my life. Not only did I lose all my material possessions, but I also lost the sense of security and stability that comes with having a home. As I try to rebuild my life, I am faced with the daunting task of finding funding to cover my basic needs. The fire not only destroyed my physical belongings but also my financial stability, leaving me with no means to support myself. I am reaching out for help in hopes of finding funding that will allow me to get back on my feet and start over. I am determined to overcome this tragedy and with the support of others, I believe I can rise above it and build a better future for myself. Any assistance or donations would be greatly appreciated as I work towards rebuilding my life after losing everything in a devastating house fire.

Organized by

Derius Burnett

Minneapolis, MN, USA
