About this fundraiser

This is my friend Debra Reynolds. She had stage 3 lung cancer. She always calls me her angel, little did she know that she is my angel. Debbie has been brave enough to live her life on her own terms with limited funds. She is off the grid in Terlinqua Texas. Her home has no running water and she needs solar panels to have adequate electricity to run oxygen and other things. Her truck needs some upgrades and new registration in order to make it to medical appointments for her treatment that is 3.5 hours away. Deb gets social security disability and half her money goes toward her cabin payment. Prior to December 2023, she survived and thrived in spite of hardship. She is in for the battle of her life. She wants to beat this thing and use her great taste in music gift to become an internet DJ. I am asking for donations to get her solar panels, fix her truck situation so she is prepared to drive to upcoming appointments for her lifesaving treatment . I help Deb when I can. I don’t know what else to do but make this situation known to others who have a heart like my friend Debra. If any of her friends were in this condition and she were able, she would give more than she has. My G-d bless this endeavor, the potential givers and Debra Reynolds.  If you can’t or don’t want to give a donation and want to give encouragement, look up Debra Reynolds on Facebook, Terlinqua, TX.

Organized by

Anita Roberts

Terlingua, TX, USA
