About this fundraiser

He's needing more therapy and needs a prostate leg which the insurance doesn't cover because where he just got a wheelchair so they won't cover this he has been in and out of the hospital for over a year now we are on a fixed income and while he was in the hospital they found more cancer on his lungs so now he has to go to chemo starting July 1st he's going to need stuff for a handicap equipment the bills are coming in but it's taking all we have to make ends meet with his condition he has been through alot we almost lost him last year when he had 3 cardiac arrest he was on life support for about 3 weeks he's a diabetic he lost his leg due to an ulcer on his heel he had surgery to remove the infection off his heel but the infection was in his bone they removed half of the bone in his heel but still couldn't get it so the did an emergency surgery to remove his leg to get to the infection so now we face a lot of medical bills and getting what he needs to help him in everyday day life style no we wasn't prepared for this and yes we have insurance but insurance only pays so much if you can kindly help out in anyway that you can would be greatly appreciated and he is also going to need a wheelchair ramp to make things easier on us so please if you can help please do and God bless.

Organized by

Robert Taylor

Charleston, WV, USA
