Lynn Daulton (Age 55) has devoted her life to helping anyone in need. She saved countless lives of people modern medicine gave up on or refuse to help do to lack of ability to pay, etc.. Lynn helped the Homeless and local Native American population the most. She selfishlessly, without judgment and with a natural healing approach, impacted the lives of so many. Sadly she was diagnosed with several tumors in her brain. Inoperable unfortunately. The girl that saved so many, is unable to save herself. . . She has been given 6 to 9 months to live at the most. She has health insurance, thankfully.
The only she ever wished she had the means to do: Is travel to South America or Africa and help the children in anyway she could. Her friends and family would love to raise enough to help her make it happen. Hopefully, before she's too sick to travel or help.

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Kirby O | $250
8mos agoSuch a beautiful little lady on the inside and out. Gods list need an angle sooner than wenwould like. I pray for you my friend!!