About this fundraiser

Mary is 32 years old and was having headaches and loss of vision, pain in her arm and face. She was diagnosed with fluid on her spinal cord and on her brain. She also has something on her brain possibly a tumor. She has had a stroke as well. They are very concerned that if she has another stroke it will kill her. They are currently scheduled to be admitted in Morgantown WV hospital on Feb 20th and they’ll hopefully perform surgery. Mary is a mother to her 10 year old daughter and a wife.  They are very dedicated to their church and to serving the lord.  While they need prayers they also need help to pay for medical bills they’re about to have as they do not have health insurance. If you can find it in your heart to help any amount would be more than appreciated. 

Organized by

Carmen Strachan

Martinsburg, WV, USA


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