Latest update as of Jul 16, 2024

  • Letter from my daughter

    by Shalynn Larsen
    I have watched my momma work hard my whole life.
    Multiple jobs, long hours, weekends, holidays…she always did what she had to, to make sure us kids were taken care of and a little more, even when I know she herself was going without. Being a parent myself now, and looking back I know she had to have struggled but to me she never let it show, I have nothing but good memories with her growing up, she always made sure we had a roof over our head that felt like a home, good food on our plates, and any extras we wanted or needed she would make it happen, she’d pick up some more hours, save, do what she had to do. We always had family time that was well spent, I have fond memories of movies, baking, weekly dinner dates at Dennys, long drives… She was my super hero.

    And those of you that really know her know that she’s full of so much personality, life, humor, and spontaneity. She’s stubborn as a bull, STRONG both mentally and physically and isn’t afraid to be the loudest person in the room if she needs to be.

    So to see her go from all of that…to barely functioning, being lethargic, having seizure like episodes, not being able to speak, drive or walk occasionally, in and out of the hospital sometimes multiple times of the week, treated like a pin cushion, and having it all leave her tired, weak, and so anxious that leaving the house isn’t in the cards most days and in so so much pain…it’s broken my heart.

    I can’t count the number of times doctors have turned her away without a clear answer or direction to go or just passing her on to the next specialist so they don’t have to deal with it.

    And now just when she starts getting a few answers and a possible path to some help and relief only to be told her insurance won’t cover the route they want to go and it will cost upwards of $1000 a month for treatment infuriates me to the core.

    All this to say, I want my momma back to at least a portion of who she is. And if any of you are willing to help, even with a share, or a prayer; so she can keep pursuing medical help to get there and for healing… God bless you and thank you so damn much.

    Letter from my daughter

About this fundraiser

I am asking for assistance to get the treatment i need medically. I have been experiencing health issues for a considerable period. Recently, I have undergone multiple hospitalizations and treatments. Unfortunately, my current condition prevents me from working, and given the challenging economic climate, our financial situation has become increasingly dire.

I humbly request the assistance of friends, family, and the wider community to help alleviate the financial burden we are facing. Specifically, we require support in covering the rapidly accumulating hospital bills, medication costs, and other medical expenses. Additionally, any assistance with general living expenses during this difficult time would be greatly appreciated.

Currently, my husband is the sole earner in our household, and he is doing his utmost to manage our finances. He is able to pay the bills to keep the home we have and all the utilities to go with it. We are able to eat very little but do have food in our home.  I am unable to pay for many of the treatments and medications I require to help me get better. I really am asking g anyone and everyone for assistance in getting me treated so I can start liv9bg again.

If you prefer alternative methods of assistance, you may reach me directly via text at 5093617792 or by email at [email protected].

I express my sincere gratitude to everyone who takes the time to read this message and consider sharing it further. Your support means a great deal to us during this challenging period.

I also have other options for payment such as Venmo or PayPal. Or also direct mail to our home. Please message me on my cell number above if you would like more information.

Organized by

Misty Cruz

West Richland, WA, USA
