My name is Chris AKA Kuntry. I'm doing this for my best friend... my brother and for his family. Steven died yesterday when his tent caught fire. I just wanted everyone to know he really was he was a damn good man! A good brother. He would give anybody his shirt off his back if they needed it. We both were tent Masters at camp. Everyday we both got up to make sure if the camp needed anything, if anybody needed anything, we would try to make sure we would get it if it was at all possible. He did his best to make sure everybody was okay. He was an incredible person who always showed he cared. Anything that comes from this will go to his family and to do what Steven wanted to do so please help me help him and remember his life
RIP Steven
Today we lost another friend
When will this madness ever end
He lost his life
Living inside a tent
Why because he couldn't afford rent
The night, so cold
Just tried to stay warm
He'd used a heater before without any harm
But not last night
It sealed his fate
He couldn't get out
Before it was to late
Now we morn the loss of another friend
When will homelessness come to an end
©Tammy Stephen
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