About this fundraiser

Our Beautiful Mother Just passed away from a lung disease and many other complications and She had no life insurance so  my Brothers and Sisters are trying to raise enough money to pay for Her Services She passed away on the 28th of December and we haven't been able to lay Her to rest because we didn't work much because we all took care for Her over the last few monthsI  we don't like to  ask anyone to Help  Us like this but it's For Our  Mother and we would do anything for Her I don't even know how to do this fundraising thing it's my first time. We love our Mom so much and it's really hard on Us to have to try and squeeze enough money to have Her cremated They still have Her in the Funeral place waiting for us to pay for it we would be so grateful for anyone that helps us I will personally pay everybody that helps us back every dime as soon as I get back to work.Gid Bless Everyone.

Organized by

Daniel Potter

Troutdale, OR, USA
