About this fundraiser

My 15 year old daughter Sara. She has NF1, Ciara, Tumors, and is having Scoliosis surgery Oct 29th including 2 Titanium rods inserted on either side of her spine, with Mayo Clinic Dr.Milbrandt.  6 months of recovery/PT. We need money for her flight there & back. It's a 24 hour rou d trip driving. Sept 8-11 will be our 3rd trip this summer. Gas, lodging, food. Sara has special needs so I try to add fun things also. She's a Freshman at Minot HIgh School. I will be her only caregiver around the clock. She will be inpatient 4 days and we have to stay extra days to make sure she's OK. 


Organized by

Nancy Krause

Minot, ND, USA
