My daughter and her fiance are in their recovery. My daughter has been an addict for some years now and she's finally (proud to say) a recovering addict!!! She's came along way in a short time. She has a full time Job now, she's taking care of her responsibilities and is back in her children's lives. It's a gift from God. Her fiance also has a full time job they both walk to work and they live in a very bad area in Colombia Missouri. They hear gun shots all the time and people are killed there in their area every night. She sometimes has to walk home from work as late as 2am and it's not safe. They are new and early in their recovery and trying to get their funds right and bills caught up. It's hard and kids start school in a week. They don't have the funds for a vehicle and need help with one but won't ask. It's just not safe so I'm asking if there's anybody with warm loving caring and supporting hearts that would help us get them a safe way to get back and forth to work. God bless and thank you in advance for those that are able to donate
About this fundraiser
Organized by
Deborah Hill
Columbia, MO, USA
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