About this fundraiser

My father James nelson passed away august 2 he literally dropped dead in front of me and my younger brother due to an attack of blood clots to the heart. my dad has three children one girl and three boys I am his eldest child his only daughter. My name is laquintiana nelson but my daddy calls me quint. my father had life insurance the policy was only 10,000 and it barely covered the funeral cost in Services and plot. Which came out to 23,200..His funeral is September 6 at 12:30 PM  I’ve come up with  majority of the remaining balance I am a single mom and now am taking care of my father’s father Im in need of a blessing all funds have to be in by  sep 5  ii cant push back services anymore i am very appreciative of all or any help I’ve received and any help I will receive. It’s been 30 days and Im in need of a miracle to put my father to rest thanks for reading and support god bless you all

Organized by

Laquintiana Nelson

Sacramento, CA, USA
