My friend Ben is a had been a paraplegic since 2010. Ben was hit by a car while walking. He has been paralyzed from chest down since that day. 15 years later 35 yr old Ben still struggles with many medical and personal needs. Ben works hard to raise money for himself for his medical needs that are not covered by insurance. These things include lots and lots of lotions and creams to help him take care of and prevent ulcers on his skin. His wheelchair accessible van often needs repairs. As well as many many more needs. Ben has regular ulcers on his back, legs, feet, and buttocks. Currently his wheelchair has issues with it which makes him sit in the chair bearing weight on parts of his body which cause him more discomfort pain and ulcers. Ben works hard it is art and is well known in his community. Working hard to start a t-shirt business for himself as well. But medical costs can reach so high for him but paying for many of these things he needs is not affordable. Ben holds a fundraiser for himself once a year which includes a frisbee tournament, music, games, and an art table for the little kids to enjoy. Ben relies heavily on any donations in order to better the quality of his life. After being able-bodied for his first 20 years of life to becoming paralyzed chest down has been very difficult to accept for Ben. He has always been a very active person and he still tries as hard as he can to still be. Please consider helping out this hard working guy so he can get the extra medical needs to help improve his quality of life. Thank you so much for considering.
Ben's good friend.
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Jason Abe | $20
1w ago🖤