About this fundraiser

My name is Dylan and I am reaching out for the only way I can possibly help my mom right now. My mom's whole life that she has struggled so hard to accomplish came to devastation when her husband was murdered 3 months ago. Her whole world and future was crushed. Her husband was diagnosed with stage 3 lung cancer right before they were to be married. She was heartbroken that she may lose the love of her life. My mom and Stanley went through with there ceremony. He wanted tarry my mom before starting chemo and possibly getting sick. Stanley began treatment right after the ceremony. He promised my mom he would fight for them and my mom promised to stay by his side. He couldn't work through all the treatment so they bought a small camper. My mom worked while Stanley received treatment and also had his left lung removed. My mom who also suffers with multiple sclerosis but she was determined to help Stanley fight at any cost.  After almost 2 years he was in remission and doing great. He went back to work and they were able to start planning there future. They stayed in the camper while they saved money for a down payment on a house. They found the perfect house that would let them have his grandchildren finally have a place to come and start making memories. One week before they were to close on the house Stanley was murdered. He was beat to death by a local business owner. The man has been charged with 2nd degree murder but has yet to go to trial. My mom is devasted. She has lost the love of her life. He fought to beat cancer and they were beyond happy to be able to finally buy a home and start enjoying there life and making memories in there new home with thier children and grandchildren. 

Today my mom is still in the camper, which is not paid for. It is an older camper. She has multiple problems with it. She has gone through all.of the money they had saved to pay for his burial. She works when she can because she does have MS and this has put an enormous emotional strain on her. She is heartbroken over losing the man she loved. She has no hopes of being able to afford getting out of the camper. It breaks my heart to see my mom live like this after all she has been through and still going through. She is trying to find the strength to be able to go through the murder trial and get justice for the loss she is suffering. I am praying that she can get some help to at least get her in an apartment so she can at least be comfortable and have some relief from the stress of being in a camper that barely has air condition that works and constant electrical issues. Any help my mom could get would be such a blessing to her. My heart hurts for my mother that has done so much to help others and she now sits in this camper, heartbroken, missing the love of her life, devasted over how she lost him and in a terrible financial situation.

May God Bless everyone and any small donation would be an incredible blessing. Thank you to everyone that has taken the time to read this. 

Organized by

Dylan Harris

Bay St. Louis, MS, USA
