About this fundraiser

Hi I'm not getting any younger and I've had some mental and physical challenges and so have my beautiful children and because of my struggles my grand babies, 13 of them, some of them are struggling because of the issues I placed on their mom's while they were growing up and I pray everyday for the good Lord to bless me with a home that no matter what my kids and grand kids can come stay or visit. I grew up with a very large family with morals and beliefs that we always such together no matter what! I'm currently on disability and everyone knows that's just not enough, it's a constant month to month but if I could gather enough help to get into a home that my family could strive to overcome the basic challenges of a safe place to be and to work for than before I leave this world I will have beat my disabilities and struggles. Thank you and God bless each and everyone of you that took a moment of your day to read my prayer!

Organized by

Tamara Moyer

Boise, ID, USA
