About this fundraiser

 Hi Everyone! This is Delta’s borrowed Aunt Shannon.  I’m reaching out on her behalf, because she is totally overwhelmed and really doesn’t want to ask for help.  Truly, she’s going to need a little boost to get the medical care she needs to fully recover and get back on her feet again. Those of you who know her, know she’s a hard worker and a great friend, who wouldn’t be allowing this ask if it wasn’t an urgent situation. 

Early in the morning of Saturday, October 29th, Delta was driving a tricky stretch of road in Roseberg. It was an unusually slick morning, with heavy fog and rain, and she was very tired.  As she was going into a tight curve, she lost control of her car and careened off the road, down an embankment, where she fortunately was stopped by a strong tree🌲 (yay, forestry!) that almost certainly saved her life! Just beyond the tree is a sheer cliff, dropping into a valley far below.  The towing company that pulled her car back up to the road posted photos on their site, noting that she was lucky to be alive. 

Due to her seatbelt and air bag, she avoided immediate life threatening injury, but over the past few days, the extent of her injuries has become more apparent. In typical Delta fashion, she initially made light of it all, minimizing the serious nature of the trauma she sustained.  Once the shock wore off and the medical diagnostics were done,  the gravity of her situation became more apparent.  Her injuries will require her to be out of work for at least 6 weeks. And in order to have the best chances of full recovery from her head and neck injury, she needs treatments and therapy that will not be covered by insurance, leaving her with significant medical expenses. She also needs to finish paying off her car, which is completely totaled and find a new form of transportation. 

Delta has always been a hard worker, often working multiple jobs, even when dealing with health issues. She is part of the forestry and firefighting family and right now she needs her community more than ever! 

Please give whatever you are able at this time  and you can be sure she will always pay it forward! If everyone she has ever encouraged or brightened their day gives even $5, it will be a huge relief that will help her heal more quickly. If you can dig through your pockets and carseats to give a little more, that would be awesome!

 All $ raised from this (after the fees from credit card processing) will go directly to Delta. And you know she’ll pay it forward as soon as she is able.

If you can’t give $ at this time, please put up prayers for her full and rapid healing and help spread the word. Thank you!!!

Organized by

Shannon Payne

Renton, WA, USA
