We have found new hope for Donny in another country where they use stem cell therapy and immunotherapy and 28 other treatments like hyperthermia and IV drips etc, not as clinical trials only if you qualify, they use them as real treatments for anyone with cancer! He has been there for a week now, his sister has accompanied him to be by his side for the whole month or more which is amazing and an answered prayer! Although it has only been one week and he was in very bad shape when he got there, especially due to the long travel he had to accomplish, they did it, he is a fighter!!! He has been responding very well to the treatments! All of his numbers in his blood work are normal or almost normal except for the tumor marker so far, but things are getting better every day and the drs and the staff are very positive and feel Donny is responding well quickly in their facility! This is his last chance to beat this, as he was told that there was nothing they could do for him in the United States because he didn't qualify, which means his insurance would not cover and he didn't fit the glove of the regulations in this country for immunotherapy and stem therapy etc! These types of therapies are called clinical trials because they are regulated in this country by many things, but other places are curing stage 4 metastasis cancers all over the place, and getting great results and success! Donny is fighting hard and believes he can heal from this with God and the right treatments, we have finally been able to get him there by some miracle! God has made a way out of no way, but we need help to allow him to stay there as long as he needs to, not just a few weeks!! If you feel lead to give a hand and plant a seed in this young life that still has a lot left in him, we would really appreciate your help! Thank you in advance for your kindness… just think, this news brings new hope for all of us! Let's get involved in Donny’s journey to healing cancer and learn new hope for ourselves and loved ones that may need to know more about these treatments!!
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From Donnys family
Love Donny
Please donate to comment.
Donna DeSantis | $100
11mos agoPrayers for Donny🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Ken Kato | $100
11mos agoDonald, we are rooting for you. Keeping you in thoughts and prayers brother 🙏🏾🙏🏾
Anonymous Donor | $5
11mos agoI’m wishing the best for you and wish I could support you more
Theresa Parkinson | $25
11mos agoHappy Birthday Donny you are a child of the high God Miracles happen everyday in Jesus name Amen 🙏🙏
Christopher Spalthoff | $100
11mos agoKeep fighting, Don. You got this! Love ya, big guy.
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