About this fundraiser

Hello my name is Billie Bennett. I am a member of Oxford House. It's a recovery house that was founded in 1975. Since then it has spread across the country and into others. It's an amazing place and it's been my home for a year and half now. It's helped me and countless others put our lives back together after drugs and alcohol addiction. Every year they hold a World Convention and I was chosen to represent my Chapter from Lexington KY. The trip is an amazing honor. The flight and Hotel are paid for but the food at this 5 star hotel are not covered. The trip is only 5 days but I would like to buy a t shirt to commemorate the occasion as well as eat. I'm asking for anyone willing to give to please assist me in this honorable trip. I will be eternally grateful. Thank you for your consideration.

Organized by

Billie Bennett

Lexington, KY, USA
