About this fundraiser

Hi Everyone. God bless you All. For those of you who may not know our beloved mother, Mary Lou, was diagnosed with a rare cancer in December.  She has been staying so strong going to chemo treatments the last 5 months. Unfortunately, we found out her cancer has progressed aggressively and will no longer be receiving chemo treatments. Worse news we could ever receive. If anyone has ever had the opportunity to meet our mom Mary Lou, you know she is a woman of faith, strong, caring, most loving, welcoming person you could ever interact with. She is such an amazing mother to five beautiful children ages 7-34 and a wife to a wonderful husband. We believe in the power of our Lord Savior and know He has the final word. We are praying for a miracle. Our mothers 50th birthday is in July and we want to give her a birthday celebration she will never forget with all of her children and grandchildren. She’s always wanted to visit somewhere beautiful with clear water’s. We aren’t giving up and know our memories will last forever. Thank you and God Bless. 

Organized by

Princess Barrera

Colorado Springs, CO, USA
