Latest update as of Dec 19, 2024


    Well, Moses was on the mountain 40 days, Elijah hid out 40 days, and now, after exactly 40 days and 40 nights, I AM GETTING OUT OF THE HOSPITAL! 🕺🏼 And my first stop will be Ye Olde Burger Joint & Ice Cream Shop to celebrate!
    I will be coming back for blood work, 2 times a week, through the holidays. After the first of the year, and, after the results of my latest bone marrow biopsy come back, I will either do another round of chemo, or take the next step toward bone marrow transplant.
    In the process, Audrey and I are moving to Charleston at the first of the year to be close to the doctors. Please pray for a smooth transition, and for positive results from the testing as we move forward on this journey!
    Thanks so much again to all of you who have joined with us in prayer, and reached out to us with kind words!!!
    And as always, if you’re holding me up in prayer, don’t stop!
    I pray that you all have a blessed and wonderful Christmas season with your families!

About this fundraiser

This fundraiser is for my Uncle Paul Sibley who is battling leukemia and has a long road to recovery. This is just one way to help out. Please reach out if you would prefer to send a care-package. Most of all we appreciate your prayers! -Ajadiana Sibley 

Organized by

Ajadiana Sibley

San Antonio, TX, USA

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This fundraiser will directly support

Audrey Sibley
