About this fundraiser

In 2012 at the age of 46 my husband had to have a quadruple bypass.  Then he had two strokes. Since then, multiple stents, a defibrillator, and other health issues.  In April 2020, he stepped on a screw at a July 4th fundraiser for our church.  Since he is diabetic, with neuropathy, he was unaware that he stepped on the screw until he got home many hours later. He ended up losing his foot because the numerous surgeries just could not get it to heal.  He has not walked in three years because he is now at a 10% heart function because he has been in a chair for three years.  His leg would not heal, no matter what we tried. He has finally healed.  It has taken three years. Now, we need him to walk again, so that he can build his heart strength back up and LIVE again.  I am trying to raise funds to cover the OOP costs the prosthetic.  Between the prosthetic and all of the PT that will be required, plus the cost of shrinking, the sleeves, etc.  I know that his Medicare will pay 80% of it, but I do not have the ability to cover the balance at the drop of a hat.  Any thing helps.  

I have always had faith.  My faith, through all of this, has never waivered.  I KNOW that everything is in HIS plan.  I truly believe that He didn't want my husband in a prosthetic immediately, so that he could prepare him for something greater now.  

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Lubbock, TX, USA
