Hello everyone my na m e is adele I was so fortunate to find my soul mate and the love of my life who I was fortunate to be with for 35 years my husband got a knee infection that ruptured got into his blood stream and went to his brain..he w as put on life support on October 14th 2024 my baby fought a long hard fight and I tried d illigently as a wife and prayed he would overcome the odds regardless how much I was advised to let him go I just couldn't make that call,I saw he still had alot of fight in him I tried everything to save him.gid is good because he was able to come off ventilator however he contracted spinal meningitis he had approximately 10 surgeries in 7 days including a brain surgery despite the best efforts my baby,soulmate,and love of my life passed away on November 21,2024.
I all of a sudden I found myself alone without anybody about a week after my husband's passing my car engine blew leaving me without car I had a job that I was at fir 12 years I lost it due to not being able to get back and forth it has been an awful struggle for me Ivam having a tough time living day to day struggling now am being threatened about my home being taken all of this is very hard on me not to mention the fact I am a grieving wwidow trying yo live day to day..
I im just trying to keep my head above water and righ now any and all help would be much appreciated I cannot express the pain I'm going through but to know I can at least be able to live day by day would make it a little easier with help I intend to pay bills,purchase new car,and at least be able yo buy food and necessities needed for me to live.
Once again with my deepest gratitude I would appreciate any and all help
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