About this fundraiser

My name is Alexis Young I'm a mother of two handsome young men and married to my best friend for 18 years. I have umbilical hernia and also my muscle wall is so thin that at any time my innards can come out and kill me. My insurance will only cover my umbilical hernia but they refuse to cover the problem that is hurting me the most. I've dealt with this for 10 years being told by so many doctors that I was just fat there's nothing wrong with me. I finally have a doctor who listened to me and found out what was going on and is willing to do surgery but the insurance will only cover the umbilica. Do you want cover anything else and I am trying to desperately find a way to fix it cuz I live in pain everyday I can't do normal things that people do anymore. I want to be around for my family but at this rate I don't know how long it's going to be. I thank you for anything you can do and I hope you are blessed.

Organized by

Alexis Young

Anderson, IN, USA
