Hi all! Most of you may know our stories, but for those of you that don't know I will explain. In 2021, I (Kristy) was feeling a little down as well as having a weird pain in my hip. Ryan and I just thought it was a muscle sprain so just did the usual stuff for that. Life or God hit me hard on February 15, 2022. I was admitted to the hospital with sepsis. We found out the next day, that I had stage 4 metastatic breast cancer with a tumor in my hip. I was treated for 3 weeks and went home after fighting for my life. Ryan and his family by my side every step of the way. I was lucky enough to have a friend who got me through the next 2 years so Ryan could keep working. I am thankfully stable for now as long as I stay on my cancer medications.
During this time, Ryan was not feeling well, but wouldn't tell anyone. Finally he listened to a couple of us, lol men and went to see the doctor. After ct's, x-rays, and a colonoscopy, we were told that he had colon cancer. He went in for surgery February 6, 2024 to try and get the tumor and anything else they could get out. We thought he was in the clear to start chemo and everything would be fine. Famous last words. Eleven days later, he was back in the hospital for emergency surgery due to an issue with his colon and a stitch. They gave him a colostomy bag as well as a mucus fistula bag.
We thought everything was going to go good with his chemo treatments after all we had been through as well as neither of us working. He did 8 courses of chemo and I asked the doctor to do a ct or x-ray. At first, they wanted to wait till the 12th chemo course, but as we were heading into his chemo treatment, they called us and said they were sending him for x-rays. Once we got those done, we were told that Ryan now had metastatic colon cancer. The cancer had now shown up in his liver. They changed his chemo treatment and we are praying that this one helps.
With neither of us working and after fmla, short term disability, etc. We are truly needing help to pay for his medication as well as bills that have come up. Life is hard I know, but I'm asking for help. Ryan and I both hate that we have to ask for anything, but we have no choice now.
We are both so thankful for any amount that is given as well as any prayers sent our way. You are all angels to us. This money will be used to take care of bills that are stacking up as well as rent and things of that nature. Thank you again from the bottom of our hearts. We send our love and prayers to all of you.
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Kenneth Stanley | $100
2mos agoLove you & praying for your recovery!!!
Kenneth Stanley | $50
4mos agoThanking of you, Prayers!
Ann Firman | $50
6mos agoYou both are and have been in our prayers.