About this fundraiser

I was diagnosed a year ago with this terrible painful lung disease.  I couldn't stand up no more than 3 hours or lift anything over 20lbs for more than 2 hours. I lost my position as a City Carrier Assistant for the post office. I have been in and out of hospital every since. I'm in pain all the time, lesions and lymphnoids have formed on my liver and pancreas causing unbearable pain.. My poluminary doct is trying his best to help me get it under control.  Sometimes tye shirt of breath makes me feel like I'm a die. I am the only parent for 5 kids. My lights and rent are in jeopardy. We don't have family at all. I was my mother's only child and she past away from cancer in 2019. I know people are going through it and have problems of there own, but please help me keep my place and the lights on.  My 9 yr old is Autistic and has Servere Sleep Apnea he sleeps with a CPAP machine. My family could use the help please.

Organized by

Najeamia West

Atlanta, GA, USA
