About this fundraiser

This is my 82 yo Mother. She lives alone in Colorado. I am in Washington. My Mom has declined tremendously over the last year. She is weak and frail. She is down to only 110 pounds And doesn’t even look like herself anymore. She forgets to eat. She is a fall risk, having recently broken her hip. She doesn’t get enough movement, staying in bed all the time, which causes stiffness and pain. She is now facing moving to a nursing home facility. As a Caregiver myself, working with the elderly in their homes, I am quite capable of providing my Mother exceptional care. She needs to gain some weight, get more mobile, and enjoy life. The Puget Sound in Washington offers beautiful scenery with its trees and water and all of the amazing nature that goes with it. Its the wonderful life I life and certainly what I wish for my Mother. The hard part is that my finances can not fulfill the need. First off is the Airline tickets to get her here, escorted by my daughter. I need medical equipment, including a hospital bed, here at my home to accommodate her needs. Her household belongings will need to go in storage and then later shipped over once we find a larger 2-bedroom home. I jumped into this with faith that God will fill the needs we have to make it happen. Thank you so much for reading and for your consideration. Prayers accepted and appreciated. 

Organized by

Andrea Mares

Bremerton, WA, USA
