About this fundraiser

My name is Sicari and I have someone very close to me named Robin. Robin has been locked up in Alabama Department of Corrections for 15 years now. Her father just passed away on the 16th of January  and his birthday was on the 17th of January. I’m asking as humbly as I know how for help. In order for her to be able to attend his wake we have to come up with $900. That pays for the guards taking her to and from to wake, it covers the gas, and it covers the mileage used while transporting her. It’s hard enough to lose a parent but it’s even harder to lose a parent while being incarcerated. Anything will help us, I just want her to be able to have this last chance to ever see him again. Thank you so much in advance for any and everything!

Organized by

Sicari Manzy

Mobile, AL, USA
