About this fundraiser

Hello Everyone,

I hope this message finds you well.

I am reaching out as a last resort, a step I have been hesitant to take. As some of you may know, my children and I are in the process of starting over after leaving a 16-year marriage. This past year has been particularly challenging as we have been involved in a lengthy custody battle, with a trial set for July.  I will be relocating back home to Texas when this is settled!

After relocating to Colorado to follow my ex’s family, I had to leave behind my family in Texas. Living in a small town has necessitated a significant pay cut due to job changes, enabling me to be closer to my children during my parenting time. This transition has resulted in substantial financial strain, with attorney and court fees exceeding $20,000 so far, alongside the costs of moving and setting up a new home for myself and my children, Cameron and Caden.

As we approach the final orders/trial in July, my attorney is requesting an additional $15,000 retainer, and we anticipate needing another $30,000 to $50,000 beyond that. Any support you can provide, whether by sharing our story or offering direct assistance, would be greatly appreciated.

God Bless 🙏🏽 Courtney 

Organized by

Courtney Trujillo

Craig, CO, USA
