Hi my names Ashley Woodard im a 30 year old mom to two beautiful children ages 10 and 11 and a wife to one of the strongest men I know. On Sunday November 10th while heading from grocery store I decided to go dinner for my family at Slim Chicken in lake wales. Upon enetring the left turning lane I was met with a red light, I stopped waiting for light to turn green and proceeded to turn left unfortunately in that split second my life change I was knocked unconscious at some point due to a high impact car collision. After turning left the only thing I can remember was a gentleman knocking on my window asking if I was okay or if i was hurt and that my door was being opened and I was being moved to another vehicle off to side of road waiting for ambulance. After that eveything was a blur. I was rushed to Lakeland regional with life threating injuries. Im unable to work, walk, shower or use restroom on my own. Ive become dependent on others to help assist me with day to day things and task and it hurt. I have fractured vertabres, internal bleeding massive hematomas contusion sever whip lash and more. I may have survied but long journey to recovery. I never ask for help and this is a time I need the most. Anything will help and be a true blessing to me and my family. Just because i got hurt doesn't mean bills stop or medical needs not covered by insurance stop. I dont want to be a burden on my family i want to to be strong and fight through this battle to recovery so i can continue be their for my babies and the love of my life.
About this fundraiser
Organized by
Ashley Woodard
Lake Wales, FL, USA
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