-Update- Thursday 6/1 / 2023
Yesterday, I received a very grateful report from OneLegacy, an organ donation organization, that the people who received Masatomo's two kidneys, liver and cornea were able to transplanted and provide a hope for a new and healthy life. What a wonderful news!
In the future, it will be possible to transplant his bones, ligaments, and skin tissues to those who need them for new healthy life as well.
He is alive! Even in a different way! !
This news was a truly made a day for our family to feel relief.
What if Masatomo didn't want to donate his organs? . .
After he was declared brain dead, just thinking about who made the decision to send him to heaven with a warm body and a functioning heart makes me sick. . . "I can't make such a hard decision by myself, and I don't want my family to make it."
We are so grateful for his decision to donate his organs..
This event is really sad and painful to our family and all of you, but our family has been able to see "light" in many ways. Your love is also "light" for us!
Thank you again for your love and support!!
Yumi Kainuma
-ご報告- 6週間後
昨日、臓器提供機関であるOneLegacy より、正朋の腎臓2つ、肝臓、角膜を移植された方々が、新しい健康的な暮らしを得られると言う希望を抱く事が出来ているという大変嬉しい報告を受けました!
彼が脳死宣告を受けた後、身体が温かく、心臓もしっかり機能している彼を、誰がいつのタイミングで天国へ送り出す決断をする事になったのかを考えるだけで血の気が引きます。。。 そんな残酷な決断、私には出来ないし、家族にもさせたくない。。。
Dear Tomo’s friends and all supporters,
Thank you very much for coming to his memorial party last week. It was such a precious time to spend together with you and Kainuma family and share your memories with Tomo. Thank you again for all supports with big love.
Here is warm message from Yumi to all of you:
“Thank you so much for your tremendous love and support for Tomo. And thank for your generous contributions. Much appreciated.
We are truly grateful for all the help that was given to make Tomo’s “Celebration of Life” party successful.
He collapse on the day of Easter and he didn’t wake up again, but his body was warm until we sent him out saying, “Good luck, Tomo!”
Yuma believes that he departed for someone who needs his help…
His life with helping others never ended.
I understand what happened to him, but I still can’t accept the reality that he is not by our side physically.
The deep sadness washes over me often still…
However our life will be much harder without your love and support.
We can’t thank enough…
Again, we deeply appreciate your love and we hope and pray that you will continue to be there for us.
Yumi “
またインスタグラムのLiveも視聴頂きありがとうございました。Liveの動画は@aquabambi49 のインスタに残っておりますのでLiveをもし宜しければご覧ください。
そして5/12の「celebration of Life」パーティは、皆様の多大なるサポートにより正朋らしい素晴らしい会となった事を心より感謝しております。
私は最後、「パパ頑張って〜!」と送り出しました。 彼の新たな人生の旅立ちの日となりました。友愛が、「パパはヘルプが必要な人の所に行ったんだよ。」と。。。
Tuesday, May 9 2023
I had been checking the venue of the Memorial Party. The preview is available at my instagram @aquabambi49 if you are interested in advance.
as an impression of the parking space, there are not enough for many guests at the park, however the neighborhood street parking is available anywhere.
Once you park your vehicle, please come to a double door entrance of the clubhouse on the side. There is a reception desk to check-in and we would like you to write a brief message for Kainuma family.
The ceremony will be started at 5:30pm. It would be appreciate if you come before/on time to participate the ceremony.
After the ceremony, we will have “Toast” to Tomo. please make sure that you pick up a cup of your drink right after your check-in.
Kainuma family may ask someone to speech about your memories with Tomo. If you would like to do so, it would be a good idea to prepare your speech from now.
If you prefer to be outside, blanket or jacket would be comfort with 55 degree. Kainuma family prepares food and drink (beer and soft drinks), but If you would like to drink something else with Tomo, you can brink if you like.
If you are coming but late, no worries. We will be there until 9:30pm. (Cleaning up starts around 9:30pm)
Let’s talk about a such a wonderful memories with Tomo and drink for Tomo. see you soon there & inst Live!!
*Pavillion park: 194 Compass, Irvine, CA 92618
5/9 (火)
Sunday, May 7, 2023
Thank you for your lovely support for Kainuma family!
As a friendly reminder, Masatomo’s Memorial Party is scheduled on this Friday, May 12, 2023 from 5:00pm. If you RSVP, you will receive a friendly reminder by email from me.
The deadline for “PHOTO” and “Message from Tomo” is Tomorrow , Monday May 8. if you haven’t submit your memory with Tomo, please share with us Before 9pm tomorrow at https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1jXs5Tw1ZAcz0o2ZBeTIzlHCbXozMeagm
if you have an issue to access to the link, please send by email to [email protected]
Instagram Live will be scheduled as well by @aquabambi49. Looking forward to seeing you soon then!
Date: Friday , May 12th - Memorial Party
Time: 5:00pm - 10:00pm
Location: Pavillion Park Club House at Great Park Community
Address: 194 Compass, Irvine, CA 92618
- The ceremony is scheduled to start at 5:30pm, so we appreciate if you arrive 15min prior to the event.
- the gate will be opened at 5:00pm
- Attire: No funeral dress. Please have “Tomo Style” attire (casual, stylish, dressy, whatever you think about Tomo style)
- We have Table and Chairs
- If you would like to send flowers, it’s welcome and the delivery is accepted after 1:00pm on the event date Only.
- Parking is available at Parking lots and on the streets
- Kids are welcome to bring balls or Sand toys if they would like to go a part next to the venue
- If you can’t come on time for the ceremony, don’t worry, please stop by to say hello to Kainuma family
- food and drinks are provided including Beer and wines
looking forward to seeing you there!!
here is the link for the map https://maps.app.goo.gl/rM9asxysXkArSrjw9?g_st=ic
いよいよ今週金曜日、5 月 12 日 午後 5 時から、マサトモさんのメモリアル パーティーが行われます。
会場へお越し頂く皆さま (参加表明頂いた方)は、私からメールでリマインダーが届きます。もし届かない方でもご心配なさらず当日会場へお越しください。
「マサトモさんとの想い出写真」や「マサトモさんに頂いて嬉しかった・感動したメッセージ」の締め切りは明日 、5 月 8 日月曜日です。まだマサトモさんとの写真思い出を提出していない場合は、明日の午後 9 時までに 下記フォルダにて共有してください。フォルダリンクへのアクセスに問題がある場合は、[email protected]に直接写真を送ってください。
日時: 5月12日 (金) 午後5時から10時頃
日本時間: 5月13日(土) 午前9時から午後2時頃 (Live中継)
場所: Pavillion Park Club House at Great Park Community
住所:194 Compass, Irvine, CA 92618
- セレモニーを5:30から予定してるので、できれば早めの5時開場でお願いします。
- 服装は“Tomo “ style、喪服はご遠慮ください
- テーブルも椅子もご用意しております
- お問合せのあったお花の件は、当日1時以降であれば配達して頂いても大丈夫です
- パーキングはコミュニティもLotもしくはストリートでも問題ありません
- 隣に公園がありますのでお子様連れのご家族はボールや砂場道具等持って来て頂いても構いません
- もし時間どおりに参加できなくても、まったく問題ありません。できればご足労頂き海沼ファミリーへ温かい励ましのメッセージをかけて頂ければ幸いです
- お食事・ビール・ワインなどのお飲み物がご用意しております。
- 当日は300名以上の方がお越しになると思われますので、駐車場が混雑する場合もあります。ご了承ください。
Tuesday, 5/2 9:30pm
CORRECTION!!! Address is 194 Compass, Irvine, CA 92618
194 Compass, Irvine, CA 92618
(below announcement is also updated with correct address in Red)
Tuesday, 5/2 9:30pm
Yesterday, May 1st was Yumi’s birthday. Thank you all for your warm messages to her!!
Regarding the Photo/Message sharing for Memorial party, if you still have an issue to access to the link, please let me know or send me the photo directly. We don’t have many as expected, so if you have more, please share more with us.
On Friday , May 12th - Memorial Party
Time: 5:00pm - 10:00pm
Location: Pavillion Park Club House at Great Park Community
Address: 194 Compass, Irvine, CA 92618
- The Memorial ceremony is scheduled to start at 5:30pm, so we appreciate if you arrive 15min prior to the event.
- the gate will be opened at 5:00pm
- Attire: No funeral dress. Please have “Tomo Style” attire (casual, stylish, dressy, whatever you think about Tomo style)
- We have Table and Chairs
- If you would like to send flowers, it’s welcome and the delivery is accepted after 1:00pm on the event date Only.
- Parking is available at Parking lots and on the streets
- Kids are welcome to bring balls or Sand toys if they would like to go a part next to the venue
- If you can’t come on time for the ceremony, don’t worry, please stop by to say hello to Kainuma family
- food and drinks are provided
いよいよメモリアルが来週の金曜日に開催されます。まだまだ写真・メッセージが足りず受け付けております。Google Driveのリンクへ直接アップロードできない方は高梨までお問い合わせ頂き直接送付頂けますようお願いいたします。
日時: 5月12日 (金) 夕方5時から10時頃
場所: Pavillion Park Club House at Great Park Community
住所: Address: 194 Compass, Irvine, CA 92618
- セレモニーを5:30から予定してるので、できれば早めの5時開場でお願いします。
- 服装は“Tomo “ style、喪服はご遠慮ください
- テーブルも椅子もご用意しております
- お問合せのあったお花の件は、当日1時以降であれば配達して頂いても大丈夫です
- パーキングはコミュニティもLotもしくはストリートでも問題ありません
- 隣に公園がありますのでお子様連れのご家族はボールや砂場道具等持って来て頂いても構いません
- もし時間どおりに参加できなくても、まったく問題ありません。できればご足労頂き海沼ファミリーへ温かい励ましのメッセージをかけて頂ければ幸いです
- お食事・ビールなどのお飲み物はご用意しております。
- 当日は300名以上の方がお越しになると思われますので、駐車場が混雑する場合もあります。ご了承ください。
Thursday, 4/27 7:30am
here is a message from Yumi (Masatomo’s wife)
Please join the Memorial for Masatomo Kainuma!
Looking forward to seeing you all!!
Please share his messages and “his quote” that encourage you, impact you, or comfort you will also apply to anyone.
I want to collect them and put them in one notebook… thank you!! 😌
here is the link to send the Photo and Mesaage tl share with us
Thank you for your continuous support and cooperation!
Party RSVP at https://forms.gle/Rkx4rf9YdSQrt1KA9 before 4/30
Have a great day!!
Saturday, 4/22, 9:30am
Have you RSVP the Memorial Party? It’s officially scheduled. It would be helpful if you RSVP by 4/30.
Date : Friday, May 12, 2023
Time: 5:00pm PST
Location: Pavillion Park Club House
at Irvine Great Park Community
Address: 238 Merit, Irvine, CA 92618, United States
You are all Welcome. Please RSVP at the link below in Blue highlighted.
in addition to your favorite photo with Masatomo (Tomo), I need your help to share your favorite message from Tomo. If encourage you, if he sent a message with lots of love, please share the message with us. Kainuma family would like to create gathering the love message/memory book from Tomo. If you haven’t receive the Google Drive Folder link, please try to access here to upload your photo and message.
Thank you for your continuous support and cooperation!
Party RSVP at https://forms.gle/Rkx4rf9YdSQrt1KA9
皆様 メモリアルパーティーのRSVPはお済みでしょうか?4/30までに参加のご連絡を頂ければ幸いです。
日時: 5月12日(金) 午後5時から
場所: Pavillion Park Club House
at Irvine Great Park Community
住所: 238 Merit, Irvine, CA 92618, United States
もしまだGoogle Driveのリンクは届いてない方はこちらからアクセルください。
Thursday, 4/20, 6:45pm
The Memorial Party is officially scheduled :
Date : Friday, May 12, 2023
Time: 5:00pm PST
Location: Pavillion Park Club House
at Irvine Great Park Community
Address: 238 Merit, Irvine, CA 92618, United States
You are all Welcome. Please RSVP at the link below in green highlighted. if you have a work, don’t worry! You can come late or just stop by to say hello to Kainuma family & remember Tomo’s beautiful life.
日時: 5月12日(金) 午後5時から
場所: Pavillion Park Club House
at Irvine Great Park Community
住所: 238 Merit, Irvine, CA 92618, United States
Thursday, 4/20 12:30pm
if you are having an issue to access to the memorial party invitation, please use this link at https://forms.gle/Rkx4rf9YdSQrt1KA9
as a friendly reminder, please feel free to JOIN us!!! please RSVP so that we can estimate how many guests are coming 😊
Kids are also welcome! There is a park, next to the venue.
As of Wednesday, 4/19
Regarding Memorial Party, this party is not only for close friend and family but also for all Donors and People who knows Masatomo as “Open to public”. Come and Join us!!
Here is the Link to RSVP https://forms.gle/qbLrLQ6xRzMzSJRW6
if you would like to support with Meal Train, please sign up at https://mealtrain.com/r209kd.
Basically, 1 person is required, but extra food is also welcome!! we only drop off food, no contact to the family. Put your name on disposal containers when you drop off around 5-6pm.
We heard that this meal train makes Yumi & Yuma warm heart, and they enjoy our dishes as Yumi’s comment below 🥰
”Thanks to you, my family's heart and tired body were healed. I still have a lot of ups and downs, but thanks to the meals, I feel uplifted even temporarily, and I definitely have the energy to move forward.”
Thank you for your continuous support to Kainuma Family.
仮予定のメモリアルパーティーですが、これは家族・友人の集まりではないので、来てくれるなら誰でもウェルカム!!です。 始まる時間に来て頂く必要もありませんし、気軽に立ち寄ってもらうだけでももちろん構いません。たくさんの方々のお越しをお待ちしています。(会場の関係上、どれくらい集まるか招待状でアンケートを頂いてます)
As of Tuesday, 4/18 9:30am
We thought His Cremation is Today but Postpone and not sure when it will be happened.
As of Tuesday, 4/18 7:00am
The memorial party‘s date/time/location are still TBD(to be determined) as TENTATIVE. It’s a subject to change as need.
As of Monday, 4/17 7:00pm
The Kainuma family would like to invite all of you to join us Super Hero Masatomo’s Memorial Party. The date/time location are still TBD, but we would like to check with you if you can come to join us.
Here is the Link to RSVP https://forms.gle/qbLrLQ6xRzMzSJRW6
Date: Friday, May 12, 2023 (TBD)
Time: 5:00pm (TBD)
Venue Location: Club House in Great Park Community Irvine (TBD)
what to bring: Smiles 😊
It would be great if you fill out the form by Friday, 4/30. We would like to know how many guests will be with us!
After your RSVP, I will send a Google Drive folder link to share your picture with us. Please share your Best Photo with Masatomo.
Also, we started Meal train to support his lovely wife Yumi and daughter Yuma. Hope they like volunteer‘s delicious Japanese dishes 😊 Thank you all volunteers!!
Tomorrow, Tomo will be transferred from One Legacy to Cremated venue. Kainuma family will not be in the venue. let’s pray for Super Hero Tomo!
海沼ファミリーが5月12日(金)夕方5時 (仮の日程) からアーバインでメモリアルパーティーを開催いたします。ご都合が宜しければご参加頂き、皆さんでマサトモくんを想い笑顔で偲びましょう!!
As of Sunday, 4/16 10:30pm
I am so sorry to inform you about the passing of Kainuma family’s lovely pet Tony. Tony was adapted and be loved as a member of his family for 10 years. He was very playful and making the family smile all that time. Suddenly he stopped eating food/drinking water, and they took him to emergency vet. He was survived by Liver cancer and ready to escort Tomo to Heaven as an angel. Please sent your prayers and love for this additional loss… Let me send my Condolence🙏
Also, I would like to let you know that One Legacy(donor facility) were able to recover Tomo’s liver and kidneys for the purpose of transplant and pancreas for the purpose of research on last Friday. Tissue was recovered with 2nd operation today. Now he is named as Super Hero 🦸♂️!!! Kainuma family decided to take him to cremation on Tuesday 4/18. Since he will be back with in a Jar, they will not schedule to have a Memorial service, but they would like to invite us to “Super Hero Party” to celebrate Hero Tomo with all your smile.
本日午後8:30 海沼ファミリーの愛犬トニーが突然亡くなりました。トニーは海沼ファミリーにアダプト犬として保護してもらい10年間家族の一員としてたくさん可愛がってもらいました。よく遊んで癒して家族をいつも笑顔にしてくれました。 昨日の朝ご飯を食べたのを最後に急に食べたり飲んだりしてくれなくなって緊急で獣医に連れて行きました。 検査の結果、肝臓癌で今夜が山かもしれないと告げられた20分後、エンジェルとして一緒に天国へ旅立ちました。 1週間で大切な家族2名を失った辛さは計り知れません。どうか皆様の祈りと愛を送ってください。お悔やみ申し上げます。。。。
正朋くんは先週の金曜日にOne Legacy(ドナー施設)にて肝臓と腎臓(移植用)&膵臓(研究用)で回収してもらいました。 本日2回目の手術でその他の組織が回収されました。 本日、正朋くんはスーパーヒーローになったのです🦸♂️!!!
臓器提供はこれにて全て完了しましたのでご家族は4月18日火曜日に火葬することを決めました。 お葬式の予定はありませんが、「スーパーヒーロー」になった正朋くんを笑顔でお祝いする祝賀会を開催したいと考えてるようです。また日程が決まりましたらご連絡させていただきます。
As of Saturday, 4/15 7:30pm
The operation was successfully implemented last night from 10pm about 4 hours. What a beautiful life he is giving. So proud of you brother Tomo! “Kenpai!!”
as of Friday , 4/14, 4:45pm
Update: Visitation is extended to 7:30!!! This is the last chance but limited for 4 people each group to come into the room for about 5-10mins. Please understand if we have too many visitors, there would not have a chance to see him. In addition, the Honor Walk is allowed for Tomo’s family Only. No plan for Live either. sorry!
as of Friday , 4/14, 1:14pm
We were told the surgery actually may happen at 10pm today. We have asked to see if it could be postponed and the coordinator will make some calls but at this point it is scheduled for 10pm. Just in case, if anyone else want to try to be here before 6pm today!!!
One Legacy in Azusa
1303 W Optical Dr, Azusa, CA 91702
as of Friday , 4/14, 12:00am
Update: It sounds like surgery will not happen tomorrow if people would like to visit Tomo between 9am-6pm.The difficult part of coordinating is that we will not be informed when he will have surgery until 4-6hrs before and since they work around the clock, it’s possible that he could have surgery outside of the visiting hours (eg 6pm-9am).!
One Legacy in Azusa
1303 W Optical Dr, Azusa, CA 91702
明日は手術することがなさそうなので、面会できます。面会時間は朝9:00ー夕方6:00までです。明日以降の手術はもしかすると面会時間外も可能性がありHonor Walkは家族と看護師のみになる場合もありますのでご了承ください。また手術の日程が決まり次第お知らせいたします。
as of Thursday , 4/13, 5:00pm
Update: Kainuma family just got in Azusa. They just confirm that normal visiting hours are from 9-6 but because they arrived later, the visiting hours will be until 7:30 today. There is a family room and they can take 4 people at a time. We don’t know the schedule for surgery yet. Thank you!
One Legacy in Azusa
1303 W Optical Dr, Azusa, CA 91702
先ほど海沼ファミリーが到着しました。One Legacyの面会時間は朝9:00ー夕方6:00まで。本日は到着が遅くなったため7:30まで可能です。手術の日程はまだ未定です。よろしくお願いします!
There was typo in my instagram account. @aquabambi49
as of Thursday , 4/13, 1:30pm
Update: So Honor to send Tomo to One Legacy! The live video is available at my instagram @aquabambi0409. Please feel free to watch if you missed the event.
You are still able to see Tomo at One Legacy. They will open to accept family and friends from 3:30pm. They may have some check ups, and after all the tests, he will go for surgery and another Honor Walk will be scheduled before the operation. The date and time is TBD. it could be tomorrow.
One Legacy in Azusa
1303 W Optical Dr, Azusa, CA 91702
AzusaのOne Legacyには3:30以降から家族やお友達が会いに行けます!!臓器提供のためのテストが終わりドナー先が見つかれば、明日、摘出手術になる可能性もありますが、明後日かもしれません。手術の前にまたHonor Walkで見送ります。またアップデートします!
As of Thursday, 4/13, 12:35am
the ambulance have arrived to pick him up!! Friends and family are standing by in front of the room 2238
honor walk starts at 1pm!!!
As of Thursday, 4/13, 11:30am
the ambulance will be arriving at 12:20pm.
so the honor walk should be started 1:00pm.
As of Thursday, 4/13, 8:30am
the ambulance will likely arrive at the hospital around 12:00 and transfer around 1:00pm, so honor walk should be around 12:30.
As of Thursday, 4/13, 7:30am
Today’s Honor Walk is on schedule, BUT this is not only the Honor Walk at St. Jones but also at One Legacy before the operation to remove his organ. (Date and Time is TBD) Please Do not feel panic if you cant make today’s walk/transfer. You are still able to see Tomo in Azusa. if you would like to come today, please have a safe drive on rainy day. Thank you again for your continuous support!
As of Thursday, 4/13, 12:40am
******Confirmed the transfer from St. Jone’s to One legacy will likely happened at 12:00pm. The “Honor Walk“ should be scheduled around 11:30am prior to his transfer. The walk location will be started from Room #2238 to the ambulance. It would be great if you can come to join us. please note that the medical center may change the schedule due to unforeseen circumstances.
As of Wednesday, 4/12, 8:00pm
******As a Donor, “Honor Walk“ will be scheduled sometimes in the morning of Thursday, 4/13 before transferring to One legacy by ambulance. it could be started at 9am, but his nurse doesn’t think that it does happened before 12pm. The walk location will be started from Room #2238 to the main entrance. It would be great if you can come to join us but we are not able to confirm until 8:00am tomorrow. (As of 8:00 pm on Wednesday 4/12)
As of Wednesday 4/12 , 12:00pm
On April 9, 2023, my brother Masatomo Kainuma suffered a stroke causing complications resulting in severe brain damage. He is currently resting in the ICU of St. John’s Hospital in Santa Monica. He’s registered as a donor, and his organs will be donated within the next few days to One Legacy in Azusa.
Please take a moment to pray for him and his family. If you are available, please feel free to come and see him at the hospital in Santa Monica for a short visitation before 4/12. They will also have a Honor Walk.
***Honor Walk information will be announced once the location is confirmed.***
This fundraising page has been created for Masatomo and his family to help support them with the enormous expenses associated with his medical care.
St. John Health Center
2121 Santa Monica Blvd
Santa Monica, CA 90404
One Legacy in Azusa
1303 W Optical Dr, Azusa, CA 91702
We appreciate your continued prayers, love and support for the Kainuma Family!!!
if you have any question, please feel free to text me at 714-878-3075.
Yuri Takanashi
突然の報告となりますが、海沼 正朋さん(49歳) が4月9日(日)午後3時頃に倒れ、4時間の頸動脈ステント手術を終えましたが、術後3時間もたたずうちに脳内にいくつかの脳梗塞と左部・脳幹の出血がみられ、大変残念ながら脳死状態となりました。
いくつもの脳神経検査を受けましたが、脳死状態が24時間以上続き、4月11日(火)午後12:01に脳死と診断されました。本人の希望でドナー登録をしているため4月13日(木)に臓器移植の手続き・処置のため、One Regacy in Azusa に転院します。本日4月12日(水)はまだサンタモニカにSt. Jone’s Health Center で面会可能ですので、もしお時間のある方はSt. Jone’s 病院に会いにぜひ行ってあげてください。多くの方からの励ましにより奇跡が起こることを一緒に信じましょう!!!
高梨 裕梨
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9mos agoこの度は驚くばかりで まだ実感はありません 愛に溢れた海ちゃん ご家族の心やお身体がどうぞいやされますように またメッセージしますね
十文字 太郎 | $300
9mos agoありがとうございました!心よりご冥福を、ご家族の皆様のお幸せを、お祈りいたします。
Takamasa Watanabe | $100
10mos ago今年の3月バスケットボールのコーチング研修でお世話になりました。その節はとても親身になって接してくださりありがとうございました。今度は一緒にバスケットをするお約束もして、またお会いするのを楽しみにしておりました。そして素敵なお人柄に惹かれこれから末長くお付き合いさせて頂ければ嬉しく思っておりました。 このたび訃報に接し悲しみにたえませんが、海沼さんからいただいたお言葉を胸にこれからも頑張って参りたいと思います。
Kent Takai | $1,000
1yr agoトモさん 今日知りました。 トモさんにはOC時代お世話になりました。 本当にありがとうございました。 ご冥福をお祈りいたします。
Christine Ying | $100
1yr agoLove you, Tomo! You’ve touched so many hearts, and we have been truly lucky to have had you in our lives.
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