About this fundraiser

Hello, My name is Antonia Boykins and my partner's name is Laylah Willis and we would like to raise money for to start up or comic brand.

We've been working solo for a while now, and just work shopping ideas, but it's finally time to get it started however. We need money to pay for artists, not counting all the other necceites that goes into making comics from the ground up.

Now that that's out of the way, I'm sure you have questions one of the biggest probably being why should I give you my money? Well for starters you'd be helping a black owned business gets it's legs, we are a small business of about seven people.

But each individual played a crucial part in the development of our brand, we are willing to showcase each of our supporters. 

Whether it be a cameo in the comic or a name on the back we greatly appreciate our supporters and will find ways to showcase that.

Onto another question,  wat can you expect from our comics? Well I'm glad you asked, at Unfunny. Sarcastic. Uncreative. Comic. Kids. Or U Suck comics for short, we pride ourselves on a comedy and satire.

Our entire hero universe was created by a group of friends sitting around and making fun of ridiculous hero stereotypes. And then we decided why not make our own heroes? So was set into motion a long line of funny spoof characters such as MiracleMan from the planet Drypton, BlunderWoman from Ohio. and Catman from Gothteopolis.

We also have a list of incredible villains such as - BlackOut, Yamaha King, Debbie Downer. Miss Melt and SimonSays.

Now even though they are spoof characters, each and everyone of them are fleshed out entirely. Their complex and unique even in their spoof nature.

Even though we have a lot of spoof characters and most of the comics are making fun of other comics,  we do have a rich story of our own hidden beneath the surface of satire and comedy.

In conclusion, we're not asking for much just enough to help us get our feet on the ground. Help us take potshots at large comic companies,  why should they be the only ones allowed to have fun?

If you support us we can promise good clean fun, no cooperate filters or woke agendas, think of The Boys meets Boondocks. Just less murder and more fun


Organized by

Antonia Boykins

Los Angeles, CA, USA
