About this fundraiser

Hi Everyone!

My name is Reyn and am acting on behalf of my sister, Erica, in hopes to raise enough funds so that Erica and her family are able to go to Disneyland . Last Summer we received sad news of Erica being diagnosed with an illness called “Myelofibrosis”. Myelofibrosis is a rare blood cancer that causes scarring in her bone marrow and has no cure. The scar tissue are building up in her bone marrow and so the blood cells aren’t able to develop properly. Unfortunately this does shave off years on her life and so we’re hoping you can help us make as many core memories as she can with her family: Graham (husband), Eoin (son, 11), Evan (son, 10), and Ethan (son, 6). Disneyland has been on their bucket list and we’d love to come together as a village and help check this box off their list. The funds we are raising will help pay for their flights, park tickets, hotel, and car rental. Any contribution will be greatly appreciated and that can range from any amount to helping us share this page to your social medias. 

Thank you for your time,

Reyn & Erica ❤️ 

Organized by

Reyneilynn Staples

San Francisco, CA, USA
