I am in need of assistance,for various of reasons. 1.I served in the US Air Force from Aug 1986 to June 1993. I i am a Dessert storm war veteran,with live combat.i suffer from PTSD, 2. In 2012 going to work on I-25 North bound, I was violently rear-ended, my l1 vertebra was shattered in three different places, causing my eventual firing from employer of 18yrs(SARALEE Bakery) my wife of 21yrs suddenly divorced me, I have been in and out of physical therapy for over ten years, I walk with a cane and a heavy limp. 3.I'm a proud man,who doesn't like to ask for help, my pride has been broken. I never really understood the power of social media, now I do. My GOFUNDME is so that I can purchase a used vehicle,so I can get a job,be independent again, and start living my best life.
About this fundraiser
Organized by
Larry Burke
California City, CA, USA
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